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Developing our Group

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In a Cohort 2 Wipro group meeting, Tammy taught us about Tuckman's Stages of Group Development. This helped shape my perspective as I established systems to help our group function such as using the warm/cool feedback protocol during meetings and creating a Seesaw page for student leaders to help create instructional videos and prepare for S.T.E.A.M. Club. 

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We used the warm/cool feedback protocol during our group meetings. I recorded notes while student leaders spoke, or we had quiet journaling time. I tried not to create extra work for student leaders outside of our meeting times. 

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Every week we created topic ideas based on resources we found, topics we were interested in, and collaboration with community partners. We shared the preview of each week with other teachers to invite their students through Seesaw and Google Classroom. I hope to edit these materials and make a resource bank for teachers and future S.T.E.A.M. Club leaders. 

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