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Kelsey Magaña (San Francisco Unified School District)

Fostering Leadership through S.T.E.A.M. Club

My project is based on the SFUSD graduate profile goal: Leadership, Empathy and Collaboration. This includes the hope that students are ready to lead, and ready to work with others. We want students to be comfortable working together in diverse teams and with partners inside and outside of the classroom. Our district hope is that our students become positive influencers on their communities. 


I wanted  to develop these skills for two 5th grade leaders before they transition to middle school. I did this  by inviting  them to help plan and  facilitate an online S.T.E.A.M. Club. This weekly club was open to students from TK-5th grade and focussed on project-based learning. I hoped that this club would be a way for students to stay connected and have fun! I also hoped to integrate collaboration with community partners such as Camp Edmo, Kits Cubed, and Mission Science Workshop to extend our learning as a team. I hoped that by working with student leaders, I could inspire school-wide efforts toward integrated S.T.E.A.M. education and elevating student voices in our academic planning. I wondered how S.T.E.A.M. Club and its leaders could uphold SFUSD’s core values? We strive to be student-centered, fearless, united, social justice driven, and diverse!

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